If you want to sign up for a Self Serve account you need to know how to use FTP. It usually isn't all that complicated. Ask a friend or lab assistant that knows. Take the time to learn about FTP, it is an investment in yourself.
If you are using a Mac try using Fetch. Fetch can be obtained from: http://www.dartmouth.edu/pages/softdev/fetch.html If you are using a PC try using WS_FTP which can be obtained from: http://www.csra.net/junodj/ws_ftp.htm
The CompuServe software supports FTP. Go ahead and try it. Open a non anonymous FTP session with the server you are on, for example, thor.he.net. When it prompts you for an account name and password enter your account name and password. If you have trouble, read the manual to figure it out or ask their technical support.
As often as you like, when you like. Each upload generates traffic equivalent to one hit on the document involved.
As many people as have the account name and password and know how to use FTP or telnet.
Each account comes with one Web directory and one anonymous FTP directory.
Typically, anonymous FTP is used for large files, such as demonstration software etc. If your client isn't going to have any special files to download they won't need to use the FTP directory.
You use whatever format you want in your pages. However, most browsers won't understand anything but standard HTML, or Netscape-enhanced HTML, so we suggest you use one of these two formats...
It's the primary way, but there are work around's.
You can create any structure of directories you want.
No. You can change files as often and as many times as you like.
You use FTP.
When you sign up for an account you receive basic instructions.
You have two solutions at your disposal to resolve this:
Get a fully functional FTP client for Windows (I am assuming you are using windows) which allows you to set the destination file name. There are several free FTP clients that support this.
Telnet to the server you are on, for example, subzero.thehideout.net. if you have access ?Log in using your account name and password and type: cd public_html
mv index.htm index.html
Only the actual data transferred, in this case 5k.
The file was probably uploaded with your FTP client in text mode. This does CR-LF to LF translation. (DOS to Unix text translation.) Don't do this. If you use a command line FTP client, be sure to type "binary' before sending up files for download. If you are using a client like WS_FTP, be sure you select the binary transfer option. With WS_FTP, you do this by clicking on the circle near the word "Binary". Another one is Leapftp
Yes, but you should know it makes no difference to the FTP client where you are putting your file as long as you have write permission.
We prefer you install your pages as soon as possible. All new accounts are created with a temporary home page.
You need to FTP non anonymously. Log in with your account name and password (if your FTP client does not prompt you for your account name and password, you are using anonymous FTP, quit and start again with the appropriate options for the FTP client you are using).
You may be having trouble because if you using telnet or a text based FTP client you have to put quotes around the filename.
Also, you may be having trouble because you need to delete the files inside the directory first or you might be having trouble because you typed the name wrong.
After connecting to the site with your account name and password using Fetch:
Select the file or directory. Choose "Delete File or Directory" from which ever menu it is in. It will delete the currently selected file. This is the technique to use because it avoids you having to type in the name again.
We don't currently support incoming directories due to the legal and security risks.
To get your Web pages to the server your going to have to use FTP. When it prompts you for a name and password, enter YOUR account name and YOUR password. (This will put you in YOUR home directory).
Once you have finished this then you are going to have to send you html files to the server.
Select the files on the local machine (Your machine) and click on Send This should send the file from your machine onto the server.
Yes. As for working on your Web pages on the server. I would recommend using the "pico" editor. Just type pico yourfilename your options are listed at the bottom of the screen.
Some FTP clients don't know file is binary and not text and so they do carriage return to line feed translation (changing the value of certain bytes to new values) on your image. Which damages it.
If you are using a text based FTP client (like through FTP) type binary. Otherwise select binary or raw data transfer.
As noted in your account information:
Your FTP directory is:
Files that you put there will can be retrieved via anonymous FTP using the URL:
Where servername is the server your account is on (for example, thor.he.net) and accountname is your account. Note this is different than your public_html directory.
Yes, you get your own anonymous FTP directory with any of our accounts.
You can also transfer your .EXE's as files via HTTP but it isn't as efficient. Since most web browsers support FTP URLs you can have your Web documents (in your Web directory on our system) refer to your FTP files (in your anonymous FTP directory on our system).
FTP can be more efficient that HTTP for transferring files because some implementations support on the fly compression and decompression.
We do back up data on our servers nightly, but these backups are run and kept for administrative purposes. We recommend that you keep backup copies of your site on your local computer, as the servers back up their data nightly, overwriting the previous backup.
5.2.x 5.3.x 5.4.x 5.5.x 5.6.x 7.0.x 7.1.x 7.2.x
5.0.xx 5.1.x 5.5.x 5.7.x 10.x.x
11.6x.x 11.70.x 11.72.x
4.7.x (older versions available)
5.2.x 5.3.x 5.4.x 5.5.x 5.6.x 7.0.x 7.1.x 7.2.x
5.0.xx 5.1.x 5.5.x 5.7.x 10.x.x
11.6x.x 11.70.x 11.72.x
4.7.x (older versions available)